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In order to become verified, please send us one (1) piece of photo identification. Your name, age, address and photo must be clearly shown on your ID. In addition to this, we also accept photos of our members holding a sheet of paper with their Username and Porn Auction written on it. This must also be clearly shown in the photo or it will be rejected.
Send us your photo or scan your ID and attach it to your email, include your Username as well. All photos or ID must be sent to our email : staff@adultauction.com
Our staff will then view your photo / ID and add a Verified Seller icon next to your Username as it appears in the auction listings.
We are taking this step to making our auction site safer for both Buyers & Sellers alike. We want to establish trust within our adult trading community, that is our goal for the future.
NOTE: Sending us your photo / ID is completely optional but highly recommended. All information sent to us is kept confidential and absolutely never shared with anyone.